Article written by Sophie (Captain) & Elsie (Vice-captain) When we arrived in Rainham we all felt very nervous yet excited at the same time.
In the first round we were put in a group with Rainham Mark, Wally Hall and St Dunstans. In the first match we played we were up against Rainham Mark. We played really well and as a result the score was 6-0 to us!
Our next match was against Wally Hall. We had played them before so we knew that they were a good team. Even though we managed to keep the scores close the end score was 7-4 to them.
The last match in the morning round was against St Dunstans. We tried our best but we ended up losing 5-3.
After coming 3rd in our group we were starting to get worried that we may not have a chance to compete further in the competition. When we found out we were still in the running we were very excited which gave us a huge boost to go and win the next 3 games in round two:
Against Chis and Sid the end result was 6-5 to us,
Against Blackheath the score was 5-2 to us,
Against Highworth the game ended 7-3 to us.
After 3 wins in round 2 we were so excited to hear that we had made it to the quarter finals. We were pleased to find out that our quarter finals match was going to be against Bennett as we had played them many times before.
Although we went into the match feeling slightly confident we knew that if we lost this match then we couldn't progress any further so we still put 110% effort into our play. We kept our cool throughout the match and finished the game with a great score; winning 10-1.
We were absolutely buzzing as we had made it through to the semi-finals! This was against Sevenoaks school.
We felt nervous for this match not only because we knew that they were a great team but because this determined if we could get through to the finals or not. Not stressing in this match was very important as we saw how much it could affect your play because Sevenoaks school got desperate and kept throwing the ball away which led to us scoring goal after goal. After 10 minutes of match play the score was 12-1 to us. None of us could believe that we were in the finals!
The other semi final was between Wally Hall and Eltham College. The winner of that semi final was Eltham College. We were really scared to play them as they had won against Wally Hall; the team we had lost against in round 1. But in the moment all we were focused on was trying our best to win the final match. We went into the match with little confidence telling ourselves that even if we lost it would be a game to learn from. At half time we felt a little spark of hope as there was only one goal in it. This felt like the most tense game of the tournament and we played our absolute best as we knew it was anybody's game at that point.
When the final whistle blew and the score was 3-2 to us we were all utterly shocked and in disbelief as we had just won the tournament! We collected our medals feeling so proud of ourselves and went home with huge smiles on our faces.
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