A warm welcome from the PTA! Here’s what we do.

Our main role is raising money to support the school to buy things for the pupils that the school wouldn’t be able to buy otherwise. We are currently funding the installation of a Creative Studio for the Art Department. Before that, we donated £100,000 to the Sports Hall fundraising effort, and paid for a 3D printer, the canopy for the outside courtyard and lighting and sound systems for the hall.

We raise this money mostly by organising events for parents (such as Quiz Nights and Race Night) and for the pupils (Christmas Bring and Buy, Year 7 & 8 Discos, Easter Egg Bingo), which are both fundraising and fun social events. We also run our monthly prize draw, the 100+ Club, as well as a Christmas Raffle.

PTAs thrive with participation by parents, and we would love you to get involved.  You can buy tickets for our current events here, and if you want to get involved with running things, or helping out, email us. New faces are always welcome.

Get in touch – our email address is

Thank you for your support.


TWGGS PTA is a registered charity, no 307812

Who we are

  • Chairperson: Matt Lowe
  • Vice-chair: Vacant
  • Treasurer: Ian Robertson
  • Secretary: Sarah Robinson
  • Children's Events: Jenny Gillespie
  • 100+ Club organiser: Cath Sleep Thomas
  • Marketing Lead: Matt Lowe

Additionally, Mrs Wybar and Mrs Marchant are joint presidents and Mr Speller is the staff representative.

New people are always welcome!

How you can help

Everyone will want to support our PTA in different ways. We’re trying to raise money to support the school, so money is always welcome, but so is time. Please support us in whatever way you can. 

You can come to the events
All the profit goes to the school, so buying tickets helps. And the events are good fun to go to.

Sign up to the 100+ Club
This is a low-effort way to help. Donate money to the school by standing order and enter the monthly cash prize draw.

Sign up to
Another low effort one. Once you’re registered, Easyfundraising give us money every time you pay for your normal online purchases, at no cost to you.

Sponsor your child(ren)
We hold a regular sponsored walk. Support us by sponsoring your children doing the hard work

Help at an event
Email us and we’ll add your name to our list of helpers and ask for help when we need it. Or you can offer to run an event. 

Buy raffle tickets
We hold a Christmas Raffle: buying tickets is a really easy way to support the PTA.

Sponsor an event
If you or your company would like to sponsor an event, in return for lots of mentions and heaps of gratitude, please email us.

Enter the 100+ Club monthly prize draw

The Club is a lottery which is drawn monthly through the school year, with prizes for the winners, and profits going to support our school.

This year there will be a prize of £100 every month.

Whether you’re getting into this because it’s an easy way to support the school, or for the money, we thank you.

Here is a summary of the way the Club works:

The 100+ Club is a lottery that all grandparents/parents/carers of children and all current staff and governors at TWGGS can enter.

To enter, you need to buy at least one ticket. You can buy as many as you want. Each ticket costs £25 (inc payment processing and admin fees). Tickets are available to buy on the PTA website until 23.55 on 30 September.

Draws take place every month throughout the school year. The September draw takes place in October to allow everyone to buy tickets, while the August draw takes place in July because of school holidays.

We'll contact the winners by email and send them their winnings by BACS. 

The £25 ticket enters in you in the draw for one year. We will remind you to enter in time for next year's draw about this time next year.

A full list of rules and regs is available here

Any questions, please email

Secondhand Uniform

The school’s second hand uniform sales are run by the PTA . We usually have a good stock of all uniform, summer and winter, including PE kit. 

If you would like to purchase uniform, email your requirements to

We rely on donations, so if you have any uniform which is in a good, clean and saleable condition, please leave it at school reception and we will collect it.

Joining Easyfundraising is one of the easiest ways that you can support the PTA, at really minimal effort and absolutely no cost to you.

Sign up at Easyfundraising, and follow the instructions, nominating TWGGS PTA as your cause. You then shop at your normal websites, and if those sites are partnering with Easyfundraising, every time you buy something, Easyfundraising gives TWGGS PTA a percentage of your purchases.  Sometimes it’s only 0.5%, but sometimes it’s as much as 13%.  It all counts.  And it’s at no cost to you.

They have over 7000 partners, across a whole range of sectors, like Sainsbury’s, Expedia, M&S, Sweaty Betty, BT Broadband and Just Eat. So there’s a good chance that if you sign up and buy anything online that TWGGS will benefit.

So please go ahead and sign up.

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