Severe weather procedure

During the winter, snow, ice and extreme bad weather can cause widespread and prolonged disruption. We will make every effort, subject to health and safety requirements, to keep the school open so that pupils can continue to learn. If there is no information regarding closure posted on the school website or Twitter, expect the school to be open.

  • In the event of significant overnight snow, the Headteacher will decide whether or not to close the school before 6.45am, and we will place information on the website home page announcement banner by 7.00am. We will also communicate with parents via the Kent closures website -
  • School closures will also be announced on Invicta Radio (102.8 FM or 12.42 MW) and Radio Kent (96.7 FM and 16.02 MW)
  • If in doubt, please check the website, rather than telephoning the school.
  • Though the school is highly likely to remain open in the event of snow, we fully understand that pupils living further from the school or in remote areas may well be unable to make the journey, even if the school is open. We appreciate parents’ judgements in these circumstances. Please do contact the school if your daughter is going to be absent, via the Edulink app. Further details on reporting an absence can be found by clicking here.
  • If the weather deteriorates during the school day, our aim will be to complete the school day. Again, in such circumstances check the website. The school will decide whether pupils should go home early, having made a risk assessment. In case of the school closing early, a ParentMail will be sent informing parents of this, and it will be posted on the school website.
  • When the school remains open despite deteriorating weather in the day, if parents feel it is absolutely necessary to collect children because of safety concerns, the school reception should be contacted prior to collection. Pupils should not contact home themselves - only if we feel we have to close the school early, should pupils take the initiative in ringing home and asking to be collected.
  • In the event of early closure, it may not be possible for school buses to run. Please ensure that your child knows how to get home using public transport and that she has access to your house or a friend’s. No pupils will be left unsupervised at school.
  • Completing work: those pupils who are unable to get to school when we are open should ensure that any work missed is completed.
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