Twggs 094

TWGGS Futures (Careers)

FUTURES logo no backgroundAt TWGGS we are committed to providing an outstanding programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance, to help every pupil fulfil their ambitions. Our aim is for all pupils to be well informed, knowing the best routes to help them achieve their potential.

The careers programme is developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Career Development Institute framework for secondary schools, and can be found in the links at the bottom of the page.

TWGGS Futures Infograph for Pupils and Parents

Cqc logo

We are pleased to have achieved stage one of The Quality in Careers Standard taking into account the Gatsby Benchmarks and the DfE statutory guidance, and are working towards achieving the other stages in due course. Our Enterprise Coordinator and our careers link governor work closely with the school, supported by the Careers and Enterprise Company, to provide strategic support, bringing their business experience and professional networks to help develop and implement an effective strategy that makes opportunities with local employers an important part of our pupils' education.

All pupils in Years 7 to Upper Sixth are given their full entitlement of information about university, technical education and apprenticeships and employment opportunities within the curriculum, Enterprise Days, PSHE sessions, school trips and visits, and lunch time and evening talks.

Pupils and staff members are asked to give feedback on any events which have taken place, and the following year’s activities are planned taking their comments, and any parental comments, into account.

The Careers Team

Our Careers Leader is Miss Rebecca Smith ( Pupils are welcome to visit the Library and speak to Mrs Dawson, the Careers Coordinator, for information or advice. Anyone is welcome to contact Mrs Dawson by emailing . Mr Smith, Deputy Headteacher has oversight for careers.

The Independent Careers Adviser is Mrs Bridget Elinson, who is in school once a week. Any pupil who would like to chat to her should contact Mrs Dawson to make an appointment.



UniFrogUnifrog is an online platform that the school uses to support pupils in the career education, supporting them to be as well informed as possible about their future pathways.  Parents are given Unifrog access and joining details are sent to parents in September of each academic year. This will help you support your child in building a fantastic career profile.

Get Involved!

Are you interested in providing a lunchtime talk to TWGGS pupils related to your career? If so please contact

The next TWGGS careers fair is on 3rd April 2025. If you would like to be involved, please contact us via the email address above.

Work Experience

Work Experience is coordinated through Unifrog.  All pupils in Year 11 are expected to complete work experience.  See these links for a guide to the Unifrog Placements Tool, FAQs about the Placements Tool, and work experience guides for parents.


Useful Websites for Pupils and Parents

General Information Next Steps Work Experience Labour Market Information
All About School Leavers Amazing Apprenticeships Springpod SACU Labour Market Explore
BBC Bitesize Careers IfATE Occupational Maps Founders4Schools LMI for All
National Careers Service Rate My Apprenticeship Speakers for Schools NOMIS
The Skills Toolkit Pathway CTM Uptree CV Plaza
World Skills UK Find an Apprenticeship The Forage Assessment Day Practice Tests
Kent Choices Get the Jump - T Levels Kent Volunteers SkillsBuilder
iCould Discover Uni Ambitious about Autism Skills for Careers
UCAS Not Going to Uni   Not Going to Uni
First Careers EmployAbility    



LI Logo

We are Linked In! Please click on the logo to access our page.

For information on applying to university through UCAS, please see the Post-18 Options page on this website.

Careers Education, Information and Guidance Policy

Policy Statement on Provider Access

TWGGS Futures Scheme of Work for Careers Education

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