TWGGS is a highly successful selective grammar school for girls from Year 7 to Upper Sixth, with entry at Year 7, In-Year and for Sixth Form.
The School’s Admission Criteria for entry for the Academic Year 2025-2026 is available to download below. Please note these arrangements changed significantly from September 2020 onwards in how we prioritise applications on distance from previous years.
All applications for Year 7 for September admission to TWGGS are made as detailed in the Local Authority Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme and administered by Kent County Council.
For entry to school in Year 7, Kent resident parents will be able to apply for their child’s school place using a Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) either online at or via an alternate method available on request from Kent County Council. Kent County Council cannot accept multiple applications for the same child: a parent may use either of the above methods, but not both. All Year 7 applications to the school must be made on this form and submitted to the Local Authority (not the school).
In addition, TWGGS requires a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to be completed if an application is being made for a Pupil Premium place. However, this is only required from applicants who are eligible for and wish to apply for a Pupil Premium place and meet criterion 5 of the oversubscription criteria, i.e. those living within the area we give priority to. The Supplementary Information Form must be returned directly to the school and not the Local Authority. Please be aware the SIF alone does not constitute an application.
TWGGS Supplementary Information form (SIF)
Any parent who has been refused a place for their child at Tunbridge Wells Girls’ Grammar School has a right to appeal against this decision, in accordance with section 2 of the School Admission Appeals Code. This appeal will be heard within 30 school days of the refusal of a place (upon confirmation of examination results); parents will be notified of the date, time and venue of the appeal 10 school days prior to the appeal, and of the outcome of the appeal within 5 working days of the appeal being heard.
Admissions Appeals Procedure for Year 7 entry in September 2025
Admissions Appeals Form
Education Appeal Panel Guidance for Parents
Tunbridge Wells Girls’ Grammar School will admit students into the appropriate academic year upon entry to the school. Pupils will not change academic year once they have joined unless there is extenuating medical evidence which would require this. Evidence would need to be provided by a suitability qualified professional and indicate that the pupil remaining in their current academic year group would have a serious and measurable impact on the health of that individual.
TWGGS is committed to championing aspiration and broadening opportunities across our community.
As part of this commitment, we are pleased to work alongside Atom Learning, an online 11+ preparation platform. Atom provides families who are eligible for Pupil Premium and who have a child sitting the Kent Test with free access to online preparation materials. This programme is designed to help familiarise children with the questions they may see on the Kent Test, and build exam technique and confidence ahead of their 11+.
If your child is in Year 4 or 5 and has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, please complete the form linked below to access the materials completely free of charge. Atom Home will be activated for your child as soon as their Pupil Premium status has been verified by their primary school.
Pupil Premium access to ATOM Learning resources:
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