Post-18 Options

Pupils have a range of options available to them after their A Levels and have been speaking about these in PSHE sessions during the Lower Sixth. The following presentation helps parents and carers understand some of these options ahead of the UCAS application process starting in May.

A presentation to guide parents through Post-18 options


Applying to university

The University and College Admissions Service (UCAS) processes applications to Higher Education. If any pupil wishes to apply to university, we help them through the process by offering the following:

  • One to one careers interviews with the Independent Careers Adviser
  • Higher Education and Careers Information Evening for Lower Sixth pupils and their parents
  • One to one progression interviews with the Head of Sixth form and with tutors
  • Personal Statement writing workshop with up to date information from a university admissions specialist
  • Presentations from outside speakers: PSHE lessons, lunch time talks, careers evenings talks
  • Support with completing the UCAS online form, replying to offers, and applying for accommodation
  • Practice interviews
  • Talks and information regarding student finance
  • Advice and guidance on A Level results day

Those interested in applying for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science, who also have to meet an earlier application deadlines, are supported through regular meetings with the Deputy Headteacher, MedSoc meetings, and attendance at a Careers in Medicine event held at the local hospital. They are also offered attendance at the Kent Medical Days, use of the Medic Mentor website and the Medic Portal website, as well as dedicated lunch time talks and help with obtaining work experience.

The following resources are designed to help parents and pupils prepare for the opening of UCAS applications.

UCAS Timeline 2024-25 - Key Dates and Deadlines Writing Your Personal Statement UCAS Advice for Parent, Guardians and Carers


Applying to Oxford or Cambridge Universities

Those interested in applying to Oxbridge, who have to meet an earlier application deadline, are supported through regular meetings with the Deputy Headteacher. They visit the Oxford and Cambridge Student Conferences, attend an information evening held in Sevenoaks, and are offered attendance at the Cambridge Roadshow held locally. In addition, we have visits from recent TWGGS leavers who offer advice, and from admissions tutors from the universities.

The following presentations were shared at our Oxbridge Information Evening by our School Liaison Officer from Queens College Cambridge, and are very helpful in explaining the application process and wider expectations for pupils who are aspiring to apply to Oxford or Cambridge in the future.
Useful websites:
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