Head Girl Team

A welcome to TWGGS from our Head Girl Team

TWGGS provides a welcoming environment, which is focussed on encouraging pupils to reach their full potential. Our school motto ‘Give Your Best’ truly encapsulates our learning ethos and community spirit; each pupil is treated individually and nurtured from the beginning of their school journey. TWGGS is proud to achieve some of the highest results both locally and nationally, with pupils supported by our passionate and caring team of teaching and pastoral staff, all of whom are proactive in encouraging everyone to achieve their goals. Here at TWGGS, we enable pupils to have very positive relationships across year groups - the cohesiveness of our school is one of our strongest attributes, creating an overwhelming sense of unity and togetherness amongst our community. As the Head Girl Team, we are extremely proud to represent this community, and the nurturing ethos TWGGS is known for.

TWGGS not only allows pupils to learn and grow within the classroom, but also to flourish outside of it, engaging in a wide range of extra-curricular activities to motivate all years to communicate and develop friendships with their peers. These activities can be in the form of clubs, societies, charitable fundraisers, field trips, visits and school productions. We are delighted that we have the largest all girls’ state school CCF contingent in the UK, proudly run by both external and internal staff. This provides unique chances to develop key transferable skills in leadership, teamwork and communication, as well as resilience in meeting challenges. Extra-curricular successes foster a sense of pride in the community and a sense of belonging. Additionally, the availability of trips abroad provides an immersive experience in which pupils can broaden their cultural and social understanding of the world around them. These excursions vary from Iceland, for those taking Geography A Level, to Berlin for those taking History, Politics and German A Levels. Following  recovery from the COVID pandemic, our unforgettable language exchanges return. These visits, alongside other local trips, form memories which stay with us pupils for life. 

At TWGGS we have been fortunate to have invaluable experiences, which we will cherish for many years to come. We look forward to our final year in the Sixth Form, embracing the opportunity to be positive role models for the whole school and to make the most of the privileges and responsibility that come with being part of the Head Girl Team. 

Kitty (Head Girl), Skye and Leah (Deputy Head Girls)

HG Team 23 24



How Prefects Support the School

Year 12 pupils with ambitions to represent TWGGS go through an application process to obtain a Senior Prefect role. Following a written application and a teacher-student vote, 32 pupils are allocated a prefect role each year according to their strengths. Around 7-10 are selected to interview for the position of Head Girl: 2 pupils will then be appointed Deputy Head Girl, and one Head Girl.

The Head Girl Team has the unique role of acting as a bridge between staff members and sixth form pupils. As well as representing the school, the Head Girl Team read notices and passages in assemblies, give speeches on open days, assist the headteacher and leadership team in any way required, and most importantly act as role models to younger pupils. They are assisted by the Senior Officers to achieve the smooth and efficient running of the prefect system.

The School Council Prefects help to run the council, which is made up of pupils from all years, and meets monthly to discuss topics of interest to TWGGS girls. This encompasses practical issues, for example recycling and school meals, as well as broader social concerns, such as social media and mental health. We have recently introduced ‘Phone Free Friday’, on pupils are encouraged to participate in clubs and form activities. This year, one of our key aims is to tackle stress and anxiety around the exam season.

Music, art, drama and sport are subject-specific prefect roles available to the most enthusiastic and committed pupils to these departments. Their assistance proves invaluable to the functioning of each department; for example, the music prefects help to run school concerts and extra-curricular chamber groups and choirs, while sports prefects help to lead lunchtime clubs, organise school teams and help to run sports day.

Current Head Girl Team and Senior Prefects 2023-2024

Position Pupils
Head Girl Kitty H
Deputy Head Girl

Leah B

Skye N

Senior Officers

Elena C 

Lilia O 

Eliza W

Eloise G

Freya A

Charlotte C 

Victoria O 

Toyin A

Carelle S

Sixth Form Prefects

Anya B

Saarah K

Key Stage 3 Prefects

Isobel A

Holly C 

Sylvie H

Key Stage 4 Prefects

Reya V

Isabella J

Charities Prefects

Caitlin T

Isabel L

Sports Prefects

Azzahra L

Poppy D

Eva W

Environment & Sustainability Prefects

Leah G

Maddie K

School Council and PTA Prefects

Marlly P

Amrutha G

Careers Prefect

Emma P 

Hope M

Music Prefect

Alice H

Drama Prefect

Harriet D

Chloe B

Art and Display Prefect

Elodie M

Mia W

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