Silver DofE Practice Expedition

Silver DofE Practice Expedition

23rd May 2024
Our Year 10 DofE pupils recently went on their practice expedition. Here, Mrs Brown, the trip leader, tells us about their experience:
"We took 89 participants for our three day practice expedition in the local area, and thankfully were blessed with glorious May weather. Walking around 20k a day, for 3 days, with everything you need for the whole trip in a pack on your back, is a massive achievement, and each and every one of the participants should feel very proud of themselves. Yes, there were tears and blisters, but also a lot of fun and laughter, friendships cemented, an impromptu rounders match one evening with a found tennis ball and a stick, and some delicious looking meals. We are now looking forward to our qualifying trip to the New Forest in July!"
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