Year 9 Pupils in Rowing Regatta

20th May 2024
Two of our Year 9 pupils represented the Thames South East region at a recent rowing event. Here, Iris and Celia tell us all about it:
'On the 20th of April we took part in JIRR (Junior Inter-Regional Rowing Regatta) where we represented the Thames South East region after a previous regional trial. This was our first time competing in this race, so we were unsure of what to expect but really enjoyed the experience and were proud of what we achieved. We competed in a quad where we did a 1000m time trial which got us into the B final.
In the B final we took part in a 1500m head race where we came 2nd. This race consisted of the top people from across Great Britain so was very tough, but we were able to achieve a result we were proud of. The final was very tight as we began in front at the beginning of the race, due to a powerful first stroke, yet got behind in the middle. However, at the end, we were able to give our all to move us from 4th to 2nd place.'
Iris and Celia, Year 9
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