TWGGS Young Enterprise Report 2023-2024

12th Jul 2024



Eighteen students started at the start of 2023 on the Young enterprise programme, forming an Executive Board and a board of directors, initiating, designing and creating their company Blossom Beads. Identifying their market and designing and making beaded bracelets, they sold their products at school events, eventually making a profit of £414.08, equating to £35.88 profit each, from an initial investment of £10 each. More importantly perhaps is that their personal feedback highlights the experience they gained by being part of the scheme and the skill development over the year. 

“I wanted an opportunity to try something new”

“I enjoyed working as part of a team”

“The freedom to make work decisions”

“Make mistakes in an environment where there was actually a consequence”

CEO/CFO Comment: 

"The Young Enterprise programme gave us the opportunity to navigate the business world in a real life setting, as a team. Our student company performed impressively, with regular weekly lunchtime selling events and meetings and participation in major events such as the Bring and Buy Sale. We generated over £400 in profit by selling handmade bracelets and purchased rings. Our teamwork was effective, and we actively used an Instagram account and email to inform our school community about selling times, locations, and promotional deals. Upon reflection, Young Enterprise allowed each of us to collaborate, through our different departments, to reach a common goal. We have certainly learnt a lot from each other as well as from teachers and external business advisers and it has even helped many of us to decide our future career paths."

The TWGGS Young Enterprise scheme will run again next year, opening up new opportunities to the new Lower Sixth. 

Mrs Bowler, TWGGS YE Scheme Coordinator


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