  • Art
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing & Computer Science
  • Design & Technology
  • Drama
  • Economics
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Maths
  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • Music
  • PE
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Sociology

The History curriculum at TWGGS provides an inclusive and representative outlook at key historical events.  We aim to inspire all pupils by exploring how people from wide ranging cultures have shaped the modern world through their past actions. Pupils are challenged to investigate cause and consequence, change and continuity and to question the impact of key individuals in the past and the results of their actions both in the short and long term.

In History lessons, pupils are encouraged to discuss and challenge ideas and to ask questions to broaden their knowledge and understanding. They are taught to develop the skill of good written communication and learn how to evaluate historical evidence in a critical manner. The curriculum encompasses a study of British, European and World history.

History is a popular choice at GCSE Level and pupils study topics in greater depth and are well prepared for the demands of the examination units. The GCSE course provides a firm grounding in the skills necessary for more advanced study.

Pupils who choose History A Level develop their skills of written and oral expression and research. They are able to use these skills to study more independently and consider the validity of different historical interpretations. Several pupils decide to study History at University.

The department runs extracurricular visits throughout Key Stage 3, such as a trip to the Centre for Experimental Military Archaeology. Sixth Form pupils have the opportunity to undertake a visit to Berlin to augment their study of German history and to attend a seminar at the Wiener Holocaust Library to complement their independent NEA studies.

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